I have just started putting my travel essays on a blog on wordpress. I also email them. If you want me to add you to my email list, send me your email address. rescueriders@yahoo.com

Here is the link to my wordpress blog. Photo essays

Places I have traveled often go on my weebly website. At least they will until I run out of space. It has gotten rather full and I am behind on adding more places. It is a fun place to explore though. travel website

I have written a book about 29 of the Texas state parks with a lot of photos and a description of what it is like to visit these parks. You can get the ebook on Barnes and Noble here: e-book for 29 Texas State Parks

Or you can order the print version from blurb (if you don't find me in person). link to blurb, the print version of 29 Texas State Parks

To contact me you can email me at:


 I occasionally post on Facebook at:

Debbiecphillips Photography | Facebook

Other Books available:

Free ebooks available.  I have finished all 3 of my dad's sermon books and 2 of my mom's devotional books. They are on Barnes and Noble and Amazon The e-books are free, print are available on Barnes and Noble and evidently Thrift Books. The price of the book covers the print cost. I make about 30 cents per book.

Here are the links:

to Richard Chapman's book

to Volume 2

to Volume 3


to Poems and devotions

to a year long devotional book


I also wrote a very short personal book on my experience with getting dentures. If you have dental problems and are contemplating going toothless, this is a good resource and will help you find other resources. The ebook version is on amazon or Barnes and Noble. Link to Becoming Toothless e-book at Barnes and Noble